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Sessions Information

  • October 2, 2019
    9:30am - 10:45am
    Session Type: Business Management
    Session Capacity: N/A

    Set your personal feelings aside! This session takes an objective look into different methods to accurately value your business to prepare for the sale or transfer to the next generation. What will make it more attractive to a potential buyer? What should you consider when it comes to transferring your business to the next generation in your family? Wherever you are in your business’s lifecycle, come learn from the experts! 

Session Speakers

In his roles as Partner and Director of Valuation and Litigation Services for Sponsel CPA Group, Jason Thompson provides strategic counsel to business owners, in the construction industry. He specializes in the valuation of privately held businesses, partial ownership interests in privately held businesses and intangible assets. Jason is a graduate of Indiana University where he earned a Bache

Eric works with clients across a broad range of industries including construction, manufacturing and distribution. He leads the firm’s services to the construction industry trades. His expertise and duties have grown quickly in lockstep with Sponsel CPA Group and he is on the front line in managing client relationships. He grew up working for his father, a third-generation business owner and ci

Session Fees

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