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Sessions Information

  • October 10, 2018
    11:00am - 12:00pm
    Session Type: RPA
    Session Capacity: N/A

    This presentation will explore many types of hydronic flooring, including both “wet” (concrete slab or overpour) and “dry” (staple-up, above sub-floor “sandwich method,“ and below-floor) systems. In addition, we will explore tubing circuit design and manifold selection and placement.

Session Speakers
Organization: Legend Valve

Bill Werthman is a licensed builder and master plumber in the state of Michigan. He grew up in the plumbing and heating industry working for several years as a plumber, trainer, and manager for a large production plumbing company. He holds the most recent RPA, ASSE 19210 certification as an installer and a trainer. Throughout these years he has been an advocate for training, participating in lice

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.